Did you find a better price for the same goods at our competition in the Czech Republic? Let us know and we will do our best to match the price. Based on the Best Price Guarantee program, we will offer you the best possible price.
We cannot promise you in advance that we will be able to match the price. But we can promise you that we will do our best for it.
Our customer support employee will contact you within 2 working days based on sending the completed form. If the conditions allow us to offer you a lower price, you will receive a unique discount code for the given product valid for 24 hours. You can apply this code in the basket directly during the purchase. Discount codes cannot be combined and only one discount code can be applied to a given product.
You can redeem the better price guarantee not only before the purchase, but also 14 days after the purchase. If in this case the price match is approved, you will receive the price difference in the form of a gift voucher.
Additional information:
Some online merchants are willing to offer goods at prices lower than the purchase price in order to increase traffic to their online store. In other words, it is worthwhile for online stores to offer a few pieces of the product at a loss, while hoping that the customer will buy another product or purchase accessories for it. It is cheaper for them than other forms of advertising. In this case, unfortunately, we cannot comply with the request.
The Best Price Guarantee program does not guarantee the lowest price on the market. Although we will always try to match the competition's price. I If we cannot match the competition's price, we will offer you the best possible price.
Our price and the competitor's e-shop price are compared including VAT, without shipping costs and other accompanying costs.
The best price guarantee does not apply to products listed with relevant competitors in ongoing discount events (Black Friday, MAXI Sale, Warehouse Sale, etc.).
The use of the Best Price Guarantee program only applies to 1 product. In the case of a request to apply the Warranty for a larger number of product pieces, we reserve the right to assess the request individually and possibly reject it.
We offer a complete range of the following brands to guarantee the lowest price:
We are fast
We have own warehouse with most of products in stock.