V následujících odkazech naleznete užitečné informace k nákupu v našem obchodě Escape6 s.r.o..
How to shop at Escape6.eu We would like to guide you how to shop in our store and so we have prepared some useful information about your purchase via...
Business Terms & Conditions 1. Introduction 1.1 The following Business Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Business...
If you decide to claim the order please let us know and write an e-mail to this address objednavky@escape6.cz as soon as possible. Or if you prefer...
If you decide to return the order please let us know and write an e-mail to this address orders@escape6.eu as soon as possible. We...
Did you find a better price for the same goods at our competition in the Czech Republic? Let us know and we will do our best to match the price....
We offer different ways how to ship our products worlwide. There are some eceptions (for example roll cages) which we cannot ship any way to foreign...
Claims Code of Conduct as implemented by the company Escape6 s.r.o, with its registered office at Živcová 872/11, 153 00 Prague 5, and its retail...
Protection of personal data The obligation to inform the buyer in regard to the Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament...
Are you interested in our products we import from all over the world? Are you looking for a strong business partner for long therm partnership? Is...
We are fast
We have own warehouse with most of products in stock.