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Detailing Lights & Lamps

Přinášíme Vám ucelenou nabídku speciálních lamp a osvětlení pro precizní a špičkovou práci při lakování, renovaci a leštění laků, čištění, servisu a dalších odvětvích, kde je kladen důraz na profesionální řešení osvětlení pracovního prostředí.

Naše společnost oficiálně zastupuje světoznámého dánského výrobce detailingových, lakovacích a pracovních světel, společnosti SCANGRIP A/S, která se specializuje na vývoj a výrobu špičkových osvětlovacích řešení pro detailingová studia, ruční myčky, lakovny, servisy, dílny a další pracovní prostředí.

Naše bohaté zkušenosti s mobilním i pevným osvětlením pro různé typy servisních prací Vám zaručí, že Vás nedostatek světla již nebude při práci omezovat!

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12 products
SCANGRIP DETAILING KIT - ESSENTIAL - Detailing and Colour Match lights in a handy bag
P/N: 49.0220
SCANGRIP DETAILING KIT - ESSENTIAL - Detailing and Colour Match lights in a handy bag
Essential kit for effective detailing and colour match.  
402,88 €
In stock
Immediately available at our store
P/N: 03.5117
MATCHPEN is a small penlight easy to carry and always at hand in the pocket. The light output is very powerful with excellent colour recognition properties.
54,04 €
39,45 €
In stock
Immediately available at our store
P/N: 03.5122
MATCHPEN is a small penlight easy to carry and always at hand in the pocket. The light output is very powerful with excellent colour recognition properties.
69,14 €
49,78 €
In stock
Immediately available at our store
SCANGRIP I-MATCH 3 HEADLAMP - 250 lumen COB LED hands-free illumination for detailing or colour match job
P/N: 03.5656
SCANGRIP I-MATCH 3 HEADLAMP - 250 lumen COB LED hands-free illumination for detailing or colour match job
Compared to the previous model, the new I-MATCH 3 features ALL DAYLIGHT function, offering 5 different colour temperatures depending on the type of job to be carried out.
106,93 €
80,19 €
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Immediately available at our store
SCANGRIP - SCAN-KIT - Detailing and Colour Match lights
SCANGRIP - SCAN-KIT - Detailing and Colour Match lights
SCAN-KIT for effective detailing and colour match.  
264,21 €
211,37 €
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Immediately available at our store
SCANGRIP detailing lamp, model MULTIMATCH R, s 1200 lumens
P/N: 03.5658
SCANGRIP detailing lamp, model MULTIMATCH R, s 1200 lumens
MULTIMATCH R is a handy and powerful LED work light for inspection and detailing providing up to 1200 lumen.
169,90 €
127,42 €
In stock
Immediately available at our store
SCANGRIP MINIMATCH - Rechargeable 2 COLOUR lamp with 200 lumen and CRI+
P/N: 03.5650
SCANGRIP MINIMATCH - Rechargeable 2 COLOUR lamp with 200 lumen and CRI+
With its strong and basic functionality, the new handheld MINIMATCH provides up to 200 lumen and features 2 COLOUR LIGHT (warm and cold), especially useful for bright and dark coloured surfaces.
119,54 €
88,46 €
In stock
Immediately available at our store
SCANGRIP SUNMATCH 4 - Rechargeable work light with 500 lumen and CCT SCAN function
P/N: 03.5657
SCANGRIP SUNMATCH 4 - Rechargeable work light with 500 lumen and CCT SCAN function
SCANGRIP SUNMATCH 4 je nejmodernější, nabíjecí detailingová lampa pro hledání defektů laku s velmi věrným podáním barev. Na horní hraně naleznete navíc druhou, bodovou lampu pro rychlou inspekci laku! Defekty laku, jako jsou škrábance,
176,18 €
132,14 €
In stock
Immediately available at our store
RUPES Swirl Finder Flashlight
P/N: LL200
RUPES Swirl Finder Flashlight
Kompaktní a lehká inspekční lampa na hledání defektů a posouzení stavu laku od italské firmy RUPES je ideálním pomocníkem každého začínajícího i zkušeného profesionálního detailera. Ergonomická konstrukce zajišťuje snadnou obsluhu jednou rukou.
92,59 €
In stock 1 pcs
Immediately available at our store
SCANGRIP detailing lamp, model MULTIMATCH 3 CONNECT, s 3000 lumens
P/N: 03.5675C
SCANGRIP detailing lamp, model MULTIMATCH 3 CONNECT, s 3000 lumens
CRI+LED work light with Bluetooth, CCT scanning and replaceable battery system for detailing.
276,94 €
199,40 €
In stock
Immediately available at our store
SCANGRIP detailing lamp, model MULTIMATCH 8 CONNECT, s 8000 lumens
P/N: 03.5676C
SCANGRIP detailing lamp, model MULTIMATCH 8 CONNECT, s 8000 lumens
CRI+LED work light with Bluetooth, CCT scanning and replaceable battery system for detailing.
415,49 €
303,31 €
ETA 21.02.2025
SCANGRIP UNIMATCH - Multifunctional led headlamp for any detailing job
P/N: 03.5659
SCANGRIP UNIMATCH - Multifunctional led headlamp for any detailing job
The front detailing lamp allows you to find excellent lighting while working and keep your hands free for searching for defects and color imperfections in the SCANGRIP UNIMATCH paint.
88,03 €
63,38 €
In stock
Immediately available at our store

APEK - Asociace pro elektronickou komerci APEK - Asociace pro elektronickou komerci

Our company Escape6 is on the market since year 2000. Our open and positive approach to vehicle modifications, besides many years of experience, stems from the enthusiasm of our entire team. Each of us is a true car enthusiast, and so we can identify with your idea of car modifications, whether it's a Show&Shine competitor, circuit racer, or offroad driver. We actively visit automobile exhibitions around the world, as well as domestic tuning exhibitions, events and events where you can meet our own modified cars.

We are looking forward to seeing you in our showroom in Prague Čestlice, which is filled with the best of today's world tuning parts and accessories. Whether you are only looking for small accessories or car care products, or if you want your car to be completely "tuned out", you are in the right place with us! And do not forget to follow us on social networks where you can learn something behind the scenes of our company.